Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Working on the Next Step

A few months ago I mentioned my intention of moving this blog to a self-hosted Wordpress platform. Well, things are finally in the works. I don't have a firm ETA, but I expect to have everything completed in a few weeks. I've been busy, busy, busy working on the details. In the meanwhile, I plan to keep writing, marketing, growing my business and sharing my experiences here as usual.


Lori said...

Hang in there, Kim. Migrations can take it out of you -- I've no idea why it isn't as simple as they claim it is.

Kimberly Ben said...

Yes, I've learned that there's a lot more to it than my technically-challenged brain initially realized. Thankfully it's being handled by very capable hands. :)

allena said...

I hired a wonderful person to set up my Wordpress site for me: Pixel Boutique. Adore her!

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