Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Storm 2011 Survival and Blog Shout Outs

I’ve officially been snowed in for five days now. Well, I guess today doesn’t technically count since the ice on the streets has finally melted enough to make it possible to venture out by car without being labeled a reckless idiot. Those of us in the southern states just aren’t cut out for wintry mixes.

The fact that the six members of my immediate family have been crammed together in this tiny house for 96 hours (and counting…) so far and no one’s gone all Jack Nicholson yet is truly a testament of our love and devotion to one another.

Working from home for myself is the best thing ever most days, but trying to work on client projects while five people with nothing better to do complain all day, constantly demand food and force me into the role of full-time referee has certainly been challenging. One definite upside to this ice storm – I’ve started catching up on some of my favorite blogs again. Grab some hot chocolate, coffee, tea, chai - whatever warms and relaxes you - and enjoy!

Writerly Misconceptions
What’s Your Plan for 2011?
Freelancing from the Client’s Perspective
The Freelancer Workout
The ABC’s of Freelance Writing
Why You’ll Never Write Like the Greats…and Why You Shouldn’t Want to

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